






约前30 万-10 万年,金牛山人,他们生活在一片繁荣昌盛的大地上。

约前10 万-6 万年,许家窑文化,这个时期的人们已经开始了农业生产和定居生活。

约前10 万年的马坝人和丁村人,他们共同创造了一段悠久而丰富的历史篇章。

约前5 万-3 千年的水洞沟遗址,这里有着完整的地层记录,是研究当时气候变化的一个宝贵资源.

約 前 3 萬 - 前 1 萬年的峙峪文化,這個時期的人們開始發展出更為複雜的地理與社會結構.

約 前 2 萬 - 前 1 萬年的山頂洞人,他們留下的工具和艺术品至今仍让我们惊叹不已.

12.-4900 年间裴李岗文化形成,此刻,一种新的社会秩序正在逐渐建立起来.

13.-5100 年左右磁山文化兴起,在这一地区出现了更为成熟的地质学知识与技术应用.

14.-4800 年左右新乐人的煤精使用,为后世开启了一扇通向工业革命的大门.

15.-4300 年左右良渚城市兴旺发达,其灌溉系统对后来的城市规划产生深远影响.

16.-3300 年左右半坡遗址成为考古学上的重大发现,不仅揭示了农业社会的一面,也显示出了当时高度发达的手工艺技术.

17.-3300 至 -2000 年河姆渡文化,它标志着中国稻作农业起源,并伴随着人口增长、社会发展。

18.-2500 至 -2000 大汶口文化兴起,与此同时,大量金属工具也被广泛使用。

19.Angled in the early fourth millennium BCE, the Yangshao culture flourished and reached its peak during this period.

20.The Dadiwan people's observations of celestial bodies around 3790 to 307 BC reveal their sophisticated understanding of astronomy.

21.The Xinglongwa culture rose to prominence in northern China during this time, marking a significant shift in regional power dynamics.

22.Majiayao culture flourished between approximately 24000 and

21000 years ago, characterized by advanced agriculture techniques and complex social structures.

23.Wangchenggang site was built around

21500 years ago, offering insight into early human settlement patterns and city planning strategies for future generations.

24.Qijia Culture emerged during this era as a testament to China's rich cultural heritage.

25.The Xia Dynasty was established between approximately

20700 and

1979 years ago

26.The reign of Emperor Shun marked the end of the Xia Dynasty (approximate dates:

27.Yi Yin founded Zhou dynasty after defeating King Zhou of Shang at Battle of Muye around

28.During his reign, King Wu brought peace back to China after many wars that had plagued the nation since the beginning