当今世界,任何一个国家的稳定,都取决于其人民在两个层面上的认同:其一是对国家民族的认同,即“这是我的国家和民族,我是这个国家民族的一分子”;其二是对国家体制的认同,这不仅仅是对体制的拥护,而且是从根本上认识到“国家的制度保护我的根本权利,因而代表了我的根本利益”。 显然,一个国家中人民的两个认同感越强烈,稳定性就越高。在这样的国家里,尽管可以有经济低迷、高失业率、高犯罪率、贫富差距悬殊、官员贪腐、效率低下、丑闻等种种弊端,也可以有怨声载道、甚至政府因财政拮据而暂时关闭等乱象,但整个社会却能始终保持稳定并依法有效运转,不必担心会发生什么人民起义、大规模颠覆性事件。反之,一个国家中如果两个认同感都很脆弱,则大规模社会动荡与政治危机就很可能爆发。一旦发作,不但要颠覆体制,甚至会撕裂整个国家民族。比如苏联和南斯拉夫,尽管在高压下似乎取得了各民族对 国家及其制度的接受和服从,但是认同却十分脆弱。以致制度一旦松动,便立即天下大乱,政权垮台。
Kongzi said, "The ruler is like a boat, and the common people are like water. Water can carry a boat, but water can also capsize it." This definition of "carrying a boat and capsizing it" has been used by successive emperors as their guiding principle for governing. However, the cycle rate of this "carrying a boat and capsizing it" has never been broken, creating countless hardships and turmoil for the Chinese nation.
Today we see that this "carrying a boat and capsizing it" theory is quite problematic. The absurdity lies in attributing the so-called Jiangshan Shangdi to the ruler alone, with no relation to the common people. Thus there is no question of common people identifying with either the "boat" or its system. Consequently, even when an enlightened ruler reigns supreme, he enjoys widespread acclaim; while when an oppressive tyrant holds power, he faces popular uprising. Even those who loudly denounce past oppressors they once suffered under are still playing roles as subjects. After all, whether rulers or tyrants alike without public support are merely floating clouds.
It was once said that China's Party found a new path to break this cycle: “This new path is...” The essence of this new path lies in uniting both boats and waters through institutions built upon full participation by all citizens from below upwards. In other words - flatten out these 'boats' into wooden rafts which allow free passage for 'water'. No matter how fierce storms rage on such rafts bound together with 'water', would there be any risk at all of being ‘capsized’?
Based on participatory politics by whole citizens not just limited elites or social groups but every single one of us ,it’s not only about recognition but also modernization's inevitable trend .Modernization brings two unprecedented advantages: Firstly economic independence for individuals like women able to leave husbands yet live independently elderly parents able to enjoy retirement without relying on children Secondly modernization converts our most important resources from immobile land into portable knowledge skills enabling us thus have complete social economic agency .Its result replaces traditional values centered around loyalty filial piety humanity & righteousness (Chen Min) citizen values cored around equality freedom autonomy (Peng Min) thereby rendering citizen participation mandatory right duty & responsibility .
Must note that reform open-up China successfully put itself on fast track towards modernisation none reversible .Inevitable continuous progress forces rise public awareness ,which in turn catalyzes active involvement in public affairs demanding more rules laws regulations order than ever before .Their enthusiastic response manifests clear acceptance & willingness according present political institutional framework if guided positively expanding scope daily refining governance must strengthen national identity making long-lasting stability possible
Hereby I rewrite your title using generated content:
Title: How do you know that recognizing both nationalism and systemic legitimacy can ensure stability?