








约前10萬年,大约同时存在马坝人和丁村人: 生活方式多样化发展

约前5萬至3萬年的水洞沟遗址: 人类社会结构初步形成

10。约公元3000前的峙峪文化: 社会分工开始出现

11。约公元20000前的山顶洞人: 文化交流开始加深

12。约5500~4900BC, 裴李岗文化形成: 辛辣农业逐渐兴起

13。约5400~5100BC, 磁山文化兴盛期: 新石器技术革新

14。约5300~4800BC, 新乐人们使用煤精进行陶瓷制作 : 工艺水平大幅提升

15。5300~4300BC, 良渚城市国家体系建立 : 城市文明先河

16。5000~4300BC, 半坡遗址居民主要以稻作为主食 : 稻作农业成熟

17。5000~3300BC, 河姆渡文化兴起并见证了稻作农业在中国的大规模推广

18。大汶口文化(4300—250 BC)标志着商业贸易活动频繁 19。

19.Anguo Culture(400—360 BC):仰韶人的社会组织日益复杂 20.

20.Dawenkou culture(3799—3077 BC):大河村居民观测天象,并且有文字记录。

21.Red Painted Pottery culture(350 BC):北方地区崛起红山族群 22.

22.Majiayao culture(330—200 BC):马家窑文明达到鼎盛时期 23.

23.Wanggangtai ancient city site (2151—1871 BC) and Pingliangtai ancient city site (2151—1871 BC): 见证了早期城市规划及建筑技巧 24.

24.Qijia culture (2003 —? ):齐家氏族部落联盟,是中国传说时代中的一部分 25.

25.Xia Dynasty established in the Shang Dynasty period (2076 —? ) by Tang of Shang; Zhou Dynasty overthrows Xia to establish a new dynasty.

26.The last ruler of the Xia Dynasty is Jie; The capital moves to Luoyi during the reign of King Wu of Zhou; The Western Zhou begins its rule with King Wen's death and his son Wu's succession.

27.The end of the Shang-Zhou transition marks an important turning point in Chinese history as it saw the development from bronze tools to iron weapons technology.

28.The Eastern Zhou Period sees a series of states rise and fall until eventually being unified under Qin Shi Huangdi who establishes China's first imperial dynasty known as Qin or Ch'in that lasted for only about fifteen years before being succeeded by Han which would last for nearly four centuries until its collapse due to internal strife and external threats like nomadic invasions from Mongolia