Top.11 罗斯柴尔德家族
梅耶·罗斯柴尔德通过精心安排的族内通婚成功把财富控制在了家族内部。内森·梅耶·罗斯柴尔德 (老梅耶·罗斯柴尔德之子)1811年在伦敦的圣瑞辛巷新场(New Court St Swithin Lane)设立了N·M·罗斯柴尔德父子公司,由此开始了他在伦敦的生意,这家公司至今仍在营业。1818年,他为普鲁士政府提供了五百万英镑的大量贷款,政 府债券发行成为了其银行业务的一大支柱。在1825到1826年的市场危机中,内森利用自己的影响力帮助英格兰银行稳定市场,从而获得了一定的政治力量。
Top.10 金雀花王朝
Top.9 尼赫鲁-甘地家族
Top.8 儒略-克劳狄亚皇帝
Five successive emperors followed the same pattern: they through family ties to control the empire, expand its borders, and engage in grand construction projects that won them great popularity but ultimately led to their downfall at the hands of senators.
The fifth and final emperor, Nero, was rumored to have poisoned his fourth wife Agrippina so she could give birth to a son who would succeed him on the throne.
Top.7 成吉思汗及其蒙古帝国
Before his death, he designated Ögedei Khan as his successor and divided his empire into various khanates for his sons.
In 1227 CE when Chinggis Khan passed away without a clear successor due to internal strife among princes over power struggles with succession problems while fighting against Tanguts after defeating Xixia kingdom by Mongols; this conflict caused tension between them leading up until Genghis' death where it led an immediate war within Mongolia following years of turmoil inside China which weakened both sides causing division amongst leaders resulting from tensions during previous years at home causing instability internally among different groups thus weakening national strength overall making less secure territory vulnerable especially outside regions such as Eastern Europe or Middle East countries becoming more susceptible targets because they had been weakened priorly before being attacked by Mongol forces themselves taking advantage these divisions created chaos allowing further expansion beyond known territories previously conquered under one rule creating massive territorial gains across Eurasia including parts currently held today spanning continents stretching far beyond what was once controlled under single ruler's authority — truly remarkable history indeed!