当时,一切看似是巧合,但实际上却是精心布局的一部分。玛丽计划让沃丽丝选择在国王和她现任丈夫之间做出抉择,以此达到她的目标。但结果却意外地转变了。在未知的情况下,被算计中的沃丽丝竟然真的深fall into the arms of the prince. She fell in love with him, and her life was forever changed.
The story is not just about a king giving up his throne for love; it's also about the intricate web of relationships and power struggles that surround them. It's a tale of how one woman's scheme led to a chain reaction that would change the course of history.
In this world where power often trumps love, their story stands out as an anomaly - a testament to the enduring power of true love. The world may have deemed it impossible for two people from different worlds to find happiness together, but they defied all odds and lived happily ever after. Theirs is a story that will continue to captivate us for generations to come.
It is said that when Edward VIII abdicated the throne in 1936, he did so because he could not bear being apart from Wallis Simpson. He famously declared: "I have found it impossible to carry on with the burden of responsibility and to discharge my duties as King without the help and support of the woman I love." This decision shocked Britain and sent shockwaves throughout Europe.
Edward VIII married Wallis Simpson in France in 1937, becoming known as Duke of Windsor upon his retirement from royal duties. They spent 35 years together until his death in 1972 at age 78. Wallis passed away four years later at age 90 still grieving over her beloved husband.
Their relationship has become legendary - both celebrated and criticized alike - but there can be no denying its impact on history or its enduring appeal as an example of true devotion against all odds.