我们的祖先在商周之际就开始了对天人关系的探讨和阐发。注重人与天、人与社会、人与自然的统一和协调,即“天人合一”观念成为我国传统文化的主流观念。儒家经典《周易》有云:“有天地然后有万物,有万物然后有男女,有男女然后有夫妇,有妇夫然后有父子,有父子,然后有君臣,有君臣,然后有上下,有上下,然后礼仪有所错。” 天地、万物以及以礼仪为行为规范的人群是一个完整的统一体,而天则是这个统一体的主宰、本源。《中庸》说:“唯天下至诚,为能尽其性;能尽其性,则能尽人之性;能尽人之性,则能尽物之性;能尽物之性,则可以赞天地之化育;可以赞天地之化育,则可以与天地参矣。” “诚者,天之道也”,“诚”即是“天道”,只要能够扩展出这份德性的本质,就会达到整个宇宙间所有事物的一致。
西汉武帝时期,由于需要加强国家统治权并进行朝政改革,董仲舒进一步发展了先秦时代关于“心学”的理论,并明确提出了一个新的命题:即使虽然存在区别,但由于人类拥有某种共同语言,所以能够融为一个整体。这一点被称作是"合而为一"(董仲舒)theory of "Heavenly Mandate" or "Tian Ren He Yi" which was a further development of the idea that there is a unity between heaven and humanity.
The purpose of advocating for this theory was to exclude all other schools of thought and to promote Confucianism as the dominant ideology, thereby strengthening central authority and maintaining imperial unity. Dong Zhongshu particularly emphasized the concept of "the Unity of Heaven and Humanity," stating that humans should align themselves with the natural order established by Heaven (Heaven's Mandate). According to him, humans were not separate from nature but rather an integral part of it. This belief allowed for a sense of harmony between human society and nature.
In summary, throughout Chinese history, philosophers have sought to understand how humanity fits into the larger cosmic context. They have developed theories such as "Heavenly Mandate," "Tian Ren He Yi," or simply "Unity." These ideas emphasize that humanity is not separate from nature but rather an integral part thereof. The pursuit has been one towards understanding how individuals can live in harmony with their environment while also fulfilling their moral obligations as members of society.