034 古语中的智慧软硬兼施的物品故事




第二步,他要会合诸侯,以继承齐桓 公的事业。他怕大国家不理他,所以先约了曹、邾、滕[在山东省滕县西南]、?[在山东省峄县东;峄yi四声]这四个小柄开个会议。不过,当天曹和邾两家的君王准时出现,而滕侯婴齿晚了一步,只好自己一个人赶过去。而?字干竟然连面都不露一下。

Song Cixiong觉得这些小柄太可恶了,他们虽然听话,但却是不懂世故的人情。这时候,他就想到:“棒头出孝子的道理”,如果不给他们一点厉害看,他们还怎么对我这个霸主表示尊重呢?

所以Song Cixiong就问滕侯婴齿为什么迟到,而后将其关起来,不许参加盟会。“棒头”居然生效,让?字干得知这个消息后,一夜之间赶来,可已经晚三天。在这种情况下,Song Cixiong愤怒至极,对?字干说:“刚提出盟会,小小的一个? 国竟敢迟到三天,要是我没办法,还怎么行?” Song Cixiong被他的同僚拦住,但是Song Cixiong坚持己见。他决定杀掉? 字干,用作祭品,并且用活人祭祀睢水,这样的行为真是让鬼神感到震惊。

之后,Song Cixiong为了报复?,押着滕侯婴齿千方百计地托人求情,又送上了厚礼才放出来。这件事由于Song Cixiong杀掉?,押着滕侯,在场的曹共 公大为不平,便私自返回,这使得Song Cixiong气坏了,因为光是在与几个小柄国家洽谈的事情上已经搞得“按下葫芦瓢起来”,怎么还能号令大国家呢?

为了改变这种局面, Song Cxiao decided to use a strategy that he had learned from his ancestor: "Choose the right leader and follow him." He thought that if he could make an alliance with a strong nation, it would be easier for him to achieve his goal. So, he proposed an alliance with Chu, which was the strongest state at that time.

Chu's king agreed to the proposal and they met in Song's territory. The three kings of Chu, Song and Qi sat down together. Song suggested holding a meeting in their territory called "The Meeting of the Three Kings". They all agreed on this plan.

However, when it came time for the meeting, only two kings showed up - one from Chu and one from Qi. The king of Chen didn't show up because he was afraid of being mocked by others for not showing up first. The king of Jin didn't show up either because he didn't want to meet with someone who wasn't as powerful as him.

This made Song very angry because he felt betrayed by his allies. He realized that forming alliances with other states wasn't easy and required careful planning and negotiation.

In conclusion, although Song had failed in achieving his goal through forming alliances with other states during this period, he learned valuable lessons about diplomacy and politics which would help him later on in his journey towards becoming a great ruler.

Here is what I have learned:

Alliances are important but difficult to form.

Diplomacy requires careful planning.

One must choose wisely when selecting allies.

Sometimes you have to take risks even if there is no guarantee of success.

Even though you may fail now does not mean you will fail forever.

Experience is key to learning new skills such as diplomacy

Being flexible can sometimes lead to better outcomes than sticking rigidly

to your original plans (for example switching from trying

negotiate directly with Qin or Jin instead trying

negotiating through them)

8). In order for any action or decision taken by me should always be based upon my own knowledge & understanding rather than solely relying on information provided by others

9). It is always important too consider different perspectives before making decisions

10). There will always be challenges but these challenges can also provide opportunities for growth