


故事讲述到,一年间,大旱 Came to the land, grassland turned into a barren wasteland, and the sheep were on the brink of death. The old shepherd's determination and faithfulness finally caught the attention of heaven's gods, who decided to send three messengers to help him.

The three messengers took on different forms: one became a grain of wheat, another became an ox that never tired, and the third became a river that never dried up. They worked together with the old shepherd to bring life back to the barren land. As time passed, crops began to grow again, and animals started to thrive once more.

In gratitude for their efforts, people built a grand festival around this story. Every year during harvest season they would come together as one community in celebration of their ancestors' hard work and resilience.

As you wander through this ancient village during Woguo Festival day,

you'll hear tales told by firelight,

and see dancers spinning under starry skies;

you'll taste foods made from freshly harvested grains,

and feel hands strong from years of laboring soil;

but most importantly you'll remember where your food comes from—

from these very same fields where our ancestors fought against adversity.

This is not just a festival; it's about honoring those who came before us,

celebrating our collective history,

and giving thanks for all we have today.

So join us in this joyful celebration!

Let us sing songs of hope,

dance beneath open skies,

share stories of strength,

and feast upon fruits we've labored so longingly over!