在中国古代,卖官鬻爵并不鲜见。追溯起来,首开卖官先河的乃秦始皇嬴政。不过,古代封建王朝连天下都是皇帝的,卖个“官儿”算啥?秦汉时期,买官卖官名气最大的当属曹操的父亲曹嵩。当时已继袭了老爸曹腾“费亭侯”封号的曹嵩,为了“侯升公”,居然用两吨半黄金买了个太尉当!东晋以后,官员多头戴乌纱帽,演变到明代,“乌纱帽”一词便成了官员代称,卖 官因此被民间讥为“卖纱帽”。
中国封建时代买 官售 官应该自秦朝始。秦始皇时,有一年因飞蝗成灾, 秦始皇下诏书, 向天下公开出售爵位:凡百姓缴粟千石,可拜爵一级。
秦汉时官方制度分为爵位、秩品、职务3种。“爵”,用来区分社会地位的高低, 贵族的标志,以别于“民”; “秩”是工资级别, 收入多少依 “秩” 为准; “职”是行政位置, 权力大小由 “职” 决定。
Qin Xiaogong san nian (public year) (Public Year) in the third year of Qin State's first reform in 359 BC established a twenty-level system for ranking officials. So-called "granting titles and fields" is another way to express that those with titles can own self-cultivated fields and houses. The lowest level was "gongshi" title and the highest level was "throughhou". The fifth rank of "dai fu" could hold a position equivalent to today's county magistrate.
Qin Shihuangdi bought official positions by selling them during his reign when he allowed buying and selling official positions. According to the Records of Historians: Qin Shihuangdi in his fourth year as emperor (218 BC), when there was a plague of locusts, sold official positions as part of disaster relief efforts. The price was: one thousand shi of grain per official position.
The Qing dynasty began selling official positions during its rule over China from 1644 until its collapse in 1912. During this time period there were many different ways that people could purchase or sell their status within society.
In conclusion
The prices mentioned above are not fixed but varied based on factors such as location.
I hope this revised text meets your requirements!