

早期,这里是拉普人的家园,因此也被称作拉普兰。而后来,又有了来自其他地方的人群迁入,最终建立起了芬兰大公国。大约9000年前,当冰河时期结束时,这里的祖先们从更远的地方迁徙过来。此后,大约在1154年,即瑞典埃里克国王(King Erik)将基督教引入芬兰之后,与瑞典之间就维持了一段700年的关系。在这个过程中,瑞典语成为了行政、教育机构使用的一种语言,而芬兰语直到19世纪才逐渐受到重视。



Finland and China: A Growing Partnership

The diplomatic relationship between Finland and China dates back to 1950, when Finland recognized the People's Republic of China and established formal diplomatic ties in 1951. Since then, the two countries have maintained a stable and developing relationship in various fields.

In terms of trade, Finland has been one of China's major trading partners in Northern Europe. In recent years, bilateral trade has experienced steady growth. According to Chinese customs statistics, the total value of Finnish imports into China reached $112.8 billion in 2012, with a year-on-year increase of 0.8%. From January to August 2013, bilateral trade volume dropped by 19.8% compared with the same period last year.

The two countries have also strengthened their cooperation on education exchanges since the early days of their relations. In addition to mutual recognition agreements for higher education diplomas signed by both sides' education departments in June 2006, there are now more than ten pairs of sister universities or institutions between them.

As for cultural exchanges, both sides have signed several memoranda on cultural cooperation over the years. For instance, an agreement on promoting friendly relations between Finnish people was inked during Chinese President Hu Jintao's visit to Helsinki in September 2005.

Finnish attractions:

Rovaniemi: Located at the Arctic Circle is Rovaniemi City which is known as Santa Claus Village where you can see Santa Claus himself! The place offers a unique experience that makes it seem like every day is Christmas Day!

Helsinki: Known as "the white city" due to its snow-white buildings made from light-colored granite stones imported from Russia during Russian rule before independence gained after World War II - Helsinki has stunning architecture combined with beautiful parks along lake shores creating an enchanting atmosphere reminiscent of fairy tales!

Turku: This historic port city boasts numerous architectural gems such as medieval Turku Castle & Cathedral showcasing its rich history attracting millions each year making tourism another pillar industry besides technology!