当今世界,任何一个国家的稳定,都取决于其人民在两个层面上的认同:其一是对国家民族的认同,即“这是我的国家和民族,我是这个国家民族的一分子”;其二是对国家体制的认同,这不仅仅是对体制的拥护,而且是从根本上认识到“国家的制度保护我的根本权利,因而代表了我的根本利益”。 显然,一个国家中人民的两个认同感越强烈,稳定性就越高。在这样的国家里,尽管可以有经济低迷、高失业率、高犯罪率、贫富差距悬殊、官员贪腐、效率低下、丑闻等种种弊端,也可以有怨声载道、甚至政府因财政拮据而暂时关闭等乱象,但整个社会却能始终保持稳定并依法有效运转,不必担心会发生什么人民起义、大规模颠覆性事件。反之,一个国家中如果两个认同感都很脆弱,则大规模社会动荡与政治危机就很可能爆发。一旦发作,不但要颠覆体制,甚至会撕裂整个国家民族。比如苏联和南斯拉夫,尽管在高压下似乎取得了各民族对 国家及其制度的接受和服从,但是认同却十分脆弱。以致制度一旦松动,便立即天下大乱,政权垮台。
Kongzi said, "The ruler is like a boat, and the common people are like water. Water can carry boats, but it can also capsize them." This definition of carrying or capsizing boats has been used by successive emperors as a guiding principle for governance. However, the cycle of carrying or capsizing boats has never been broken, creating countless hardships and disturbances for the Chinese nation.
Today it seems that this "carrying or capsizing boats" theory is quite flawed. Its absurdity lies in attributing Jiangshan to the ruler while making no mention of the common people's recognition of the boat or its system. Therefore, there cannot be any talk of the common people's recognition of their rulers' systems.
When a wise ruler governs with benevolence and fairness, his subjects shout hurray; when an oppressive tyrant asks about governing matters, his subjects rise up against him with pitchforks in hand to overthrow him. Both shouting hurray for one's ruler and rising up against tyranny are actions taken by citizens. Even those who loudly denounce past oppressors acting on behalf of themselves are still playing out roles as citizens because without water (the support) to carry their boat (their ruling class), all would be nothing more than floating clouds.
In recent years it has been said that China's party members have found a new path to break through this vicious cycle: “This path is.” The essence of this new path is to bring together both rulers and ruled into one harmonious whole so that all public affairs will be jointly participated in by every citizen from top to bottom based on equal rights and obligations guaranteed by law under which everyone feels secure in their individual lives.
Formally speaking, they want to level off differences between rulers and ruled so that each becomes partakers in shared responsibility; thus whatever waves come crashing down upon them they cannot help but ride out together—therefore no fear exists about being swamped!
On basis then we must see that development alone provides us with hard realities - reform & opening-up policy successively pushed China onto fast track towards modernization – what’s undeniable now? No matter how different systems may differ among developed nations worldwide none fail short from practicing just such political participation – far from coincidence!
Must note though: our “development first only way forward” reforms opened wide doors leading China into modern world – process now irreversible & accelerating daily - calls forth ever-rising awareness levels among populace too! As they demand active participation within public sphere requirements grow ever greater alongside expanding scope & norms set forth not merely reflecting growing identification w/ existing system but rather systemic rules laws including constitution plus related legislation governing these very participations If guided positively constant expansion yet regulation strengthening public engagement inevitable adds strength recognizing body politic hence providing solid foundations long-lasting peace stability
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